Stimulation Day 13, 3rd Scan day

IMG_8533 I woke up feeling a better than I had been feeling the past couple of days. It was quite busy at the ACU when we arrived, one man had bought in some eggs in a cannister and another guy was just coming out of the “mens room”. The men’s room is where the guys go to do their bit in the process. I had a funny five minutes winding hubby up about it. The room has a leather chair, a TV and some “magazines” I told him not to sit on the chair in case its sticky ha ha !

We got called in for our scan it was Nurse M today not the other grumpy one. There was another Nurse that I had not met before who was lovely.  The womb lining was measured first, hubby and I had a bet on how thick the womb lining would be, he guessed 6.5mm and I guessed 7mm , the womb lining needed to be at least 6mm for the embryo to implant when we reach that stage. The lining was 6.9mm so I won and we were both elated with the thickness ! The right ovary was checked first which originally had the less of the two, there were more again she counted 10 follicles, but 6 were under 10mm. The left ovary looked lots better with 14 follicles none were under 10mm and quite a few were over 12mm.  Between 15mm and 20mm is classed as a mature follicle and gives a better chance of having an egg inside it.  Both nurses were happy for us to go ahead on Monday for the egg collection , woop! That means we still have 3 days for them to grow even more. Nurse M advised that they will drain every follicle even the little ones of fluid in case there is an egg in there.

Nurse M took us into another room to go through paperwork and the plan for Monday . I have to  give myself a “trigger shot” exactly 36 hours before egg collection, The “trigger shot” is essentially a dose of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG), a pregnancy hormone produced by the placenta that encourages the production of progesterone. It basically makes the body ready to ovulate. I have to arrive at the clinic 8am on Monday and report to a different ward who will admit me, at 830am hubby has to go back to the ACU to make his contribution, once done he can come back to the ward and I should go down to theatre around 9am, I will be under general anaesthetic for the procedure which should take around 30mins and I can go home around an hour after to rest . We have to stop by the ACU before leaving so they can tell us how many eggs they collected.

Nurse M told hubby he has to ejaculate 36 hours before and then abstain until Monday, he went so red it was hilarious !

On a negative note I have put on a bit of weight from the meds, my night sweats are still vile and I am like medusa with my moods! Lucky hubby. That aside we are really positive for the next step. We will have a chilled weekend ready for an early start Monday.

Have a great weekend


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